
Possible causes of, and solutions to Windows GPF errors when using WordStar for Windows  with Microsoft Windows 3.1.

General Protection Fault Check List

Using WordStar for Windows With Microsoft Windows 3.1

  1. Check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for two lines:

    1. SET WSWWORK=x for WordStar for Windows temporary files
    2. SET TEMP=y for Windows temporary files.

    These two directories should not be shared, nor should they be directed to a RAM drive. If those two lines exist, make sure that the directories themselves exist.

    In the directory set by WSWWORK, there should be another directory called !WSW001. The files in this directory should be deleted periodically.

  2. Windows cache, SMARTDRV has gone from a .SYS file to an .EXE file. It now loads from the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Windows' installation may have added a line to the CONFIG.SYS as well:


    If this line is found, try removing or remarking the line. Most hard drives do not require double buffering (SCSI drives do). Refer to your Windows manual for further information.

  3. Are you using Stacker, SuperStor, SpeedStor, or another disk compression program? If so, Windows' and WSW's temporary files and the Windows' permanent swap file should be directed to a non-stacked or uncompressed area of the disk.

  4. Are you working with DR DOS version 6.0? Digital Research has updated files necessary to run Windows 3.1. Contact Digital Research support for more information.

  5. Check the CONFIG.SYS file:

    1. Does the CONFIG.SYS contain 386^Max or QEMM statements to access high memory? Try using HIMEM.SYS instead. HIMEM.SYS should be the first device driver, preferably the first line, and include the path to the Windows directory.

    2. Are you using a cache? If so, BUFFERS=5 is sufficient. Examples of a cache are SMARTDRV.EXE, PCKWIN.SYS, or PC-CACHE.SYS.

    3. Set FILES=60, minimum.

    4. Increase environment space by adding a line:


  6. Are you working with a third-party font manager? Examples are Bitstream Facelift (such as was shipped with WordStar for Windows 1.0), Publisher's PowerPak, and ATM. Try deactivating the font manager and working with TrueType fonts only.

  7. Reinstall the default printer through the Control Panel.

  8. Rename the WSW.INI file found in the WINDOWS subdirectory. When WordStar is started, the file will be rebuilt.

  9. If you normally run in Enhanced Mode, try starting Windows in Standard Mode. If WSW opens in Standard Mode, a page mapping conflict may be the source of the problem. This can be resolved by editing the SYSTEM.INI file through Notepad. Insert the following line in the [386ENH] section:


  10. If Windows is run in Enhanced Mode, is there a permanent swap file? If not, create one at least as large as the total amount of memory available. A swap file that large is recommended so the entire contents of RAM can be written to the disk if necessary. If so, remove and recreate the swap file. This is done in the Control Panel under the 386-Enhanced section.

  11. Is 32-Bit Addressing turned on? Try turning it off in the Control Panel - 386-Enhanced section.

  12. For other errors you might be receiving:

    1. Fatal Error B000: This is an "out of memory" error message. If you receive this message, take a look at your document. Is there a very large font selected? Are many graphics in this document? Are several programs running at the same time?

    2. Fatal Error 600C: This is an error related to temporary files. If you receive this message, close WordStar for Windows and remove all temporary files found in the temporary directory.

    3. Paging Error: This is sometimes caused by a corrupted Facelift cache file. Close Windows and delete the file, C:\WINDOWS\CACHEDMP.CCH. This file will be rebuilt when Windows is restarted.

As with any error you might receive when working in a Windows Application, it is recommended that you exit your application and Windows, then reboot. This will reset your system's memory to correct conditions.