Updates in versions 1.2 and 1.3 of the WordStar Command Emulator.

Version 1.3

Command and Feature Updates

  1. Added pop-up Status Bar to show all active markers in document. Status Bar pops-up whenever a change is made to any of ^KB, ^KK, or ^K1 ~ ^K0, or when ^KH is used to 'show' markers.
  2. ^P0 now set to display Windows Character Map with currently active font showing as the default and character table selected. Original Symbol Dialog available under Insert > Symbol Menu item or from ^PE. Character Map requires normal Windows commands to copy character to the clipboard from where WordStar commands can be used to paste it into the document.
  3. ^PE assigned to display Symbol and Special Character dialog.
  4. Changed ^J from duplicating Word''s F1 Help function. ^J now used with K, O, P, or Q to display WordStar Help dialogs.
  5. Added ^QH, Go To Character - Backwards.
  6. ^L Repeat find modified to accomodate ^QH go to character backwards.
  7. Added ^Q,DEL - Delete to start of line.
  8. Added ^Q. - Non-WordStar but requested Delete to End of Sentence.
  9. Added ^Q+END - Non-WordStar but requested Delete to End of Paragraph. Leaves paragraph mark intact.
  10. Added Print Commands Help dialog, accessible from Help Menu, or ^JP.

Bug Fixes v1.3

Corrected Availible/Unavailable items in help dialogs.

Bug fixes V1.3a

Fixed problem inherent in Word 97/2000 where Word cannot find document to open if an Add-In uses an AutoExec macro and Word is started by double- clicking a document in Explorer. This workaround constituted version 1.3a.

Bug fixes v1.3b

Broken ALT+Key access to some menu items fixed. These became broken in attempts to keep useful Word/Windows CTRL+Key commands by reassigning CTRL to ALT. This has also meant that one menu item''s shortcut letter key has had to change as well. Changes are as follows:

  • ALT+V was assigned to EditPaste in place of Windows CTRL+V - now put back to open View menu.
  • ALT+S was assigned to FileSaveAs - now reassigned to open Style menu. WordStar's CTRL+K,T was already assigned.
  • Table menu accelerator key changed from ALT+B to ALT+T. ALT+B is considered more useful as a replacement for Word's CTRL+B, Bold on/off.

Version 1.2

Command updates

Added ^OD to toggle print commands (tab leaders, spaces, Paragraph symbols ON/OFF. Continue to use ^KH to show/hide the Block Marker 'bookmarks'.